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Accepting Nominations for the Board of Directors

Accepting Nominations for the Board of Directors

Authored By: Joann Bergrud on 3/13/2024

There are two positions on the NSCCU Board of Directors that will be up for re-election at our next Annual Meeting.  Each volunteer position serves a three-year term.  The positions that are open for nomination or re-election are:

  • Kevin Gigstad – District 1
  • John Riley – At Large

After careful consideration, we have decided to move the date of our annual meeting to June, in alignment with Maddock’s Annual Member Appreciation Picnic. Winter months in North Dakota have significantly impacted our event in prior years, and this change will allow us to take advantage of the warmer weather while ensuring our members are able to safely attend. Further details will be shared as we approach the event date. Stay tuned for updates! 

If you are interested in running for a seat on the Board of Directors, please express you interest by completing the below nomination form by April 26, 2024. Your submission will go to the Nominating Committee of Mike Foster, Chuck Emery and Joann Bergrud. Further questions can be directed to Joann at joannb@northstarccu.com or 701.922.6202.

Nomination Application for Board of Directors

* Required Fields
 /   / 
Are you a current Primary Member at North Star CCU?
Have you, or an immediate family member, been an employee of North Star CCU in the past 3 years?

Board of Director duties include, but are not limited to: Regular meeting attendance, review of: financial statements, policies, department reports, budgets, expansion opportunities, and other credit union business brought before the board. Some reviews require board discussion and decisions to be voted upon.

All positions are 3-year terms.

I request to submit my name for nomination to the North Star CCU Board of Directors for one of the following open board positions: (Check One):
By submitting my name for nomination, I acknowledge I am a primary member of North Star Community Credit Union and am eligible to hold a position on the Board of Directors.
Security Code:


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